Media Terms & Conditions
Hot Import Nights Australia recognises the value of media coverage and reporting of our events, provided that coverage respects safety, ethical and industry standards.
Accreditation Principles
Media Accreditation is restricted to professional journalists and photographers working for commercial news organisations and/or official HIN Australia appointed media representatives only. HIN Australia reserves the right to refuse media credentials for publications that cannot be verified or that it deems not substantive in reach or content; all requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Media Important Notes
- Media passes and tickets can be collected from HIN before the event (more details to be confirmed)
- Please add the names and role of each staff member that will be representing the business in your application. Maximum three (3) staff members per media company.
- Official watermark for photos and videos will be distributed via email closer to event
- If you are to use our event coverage for any other kind of advertising (for example future car meets, car shows, etc etc), Hot Import Nights Australia is to be given credit for the photo or to be tagged in the advertisement. You agree not to use any photos or videos taken during the show in a negative fashion, or in any other way that could result in the defamation of Hot Import Nights’ reputation.
- You agree to provide all digital copies of photographs and videos taken during the show to Hot Import Nights – these can be watermarked.
- You also agree to provide ten(10) un-watermarked digital copies of any photographs taken during the show to Hot Import Nights, if requested. Failure to comply with any of the above terms is considered Breach of Contract and may result in legal action and/or you may be banned from any and all future Hot Import Nights events.
Photographers/Videographers Operational Rules
- Media Accreditation passes are not transferable
- Must wear HIN media passes that we give you at all times in the event.
- Must not engage directly with any of the talent(s) of HIN Australia before, during or after the event unless pre-arranged with HIN Australia
- Are not permitted to sell unsolicited photos or any other material to anyone at an event
- Shall follow directions given by HIN Australia staff and/or management
- Under no circumstances will media accreditation be supplied to advertising and public relations companies and the like or representatives of sponsors, suppliers and vehicle competitors
- Media is encouraged to tell a story of the entire HIN show. Please capture every aspect of the show, including sponsors, vendors, spectators in the line, cars, the fashion and lifestyle.
Media Special Area Rules
- (If available)Backstage coverage only permitted on the day based on pre arrangement with HIN Australia
- (If available)There potentially will be a media and HIN staff/management only zone in front of the Main stage for better close up photos of the activities happening at the main stage
- Media will be notified beforehand in taking photos of the unveiling of HIN competitor cars during the event, exact program and event map will be distributed closer to the event via email
- Media will have access to the event two(2) hours before doors open
- (If available)Media will have access to the media room (exact location will be communicated closer to date) to charge your gear, rest or work on your laptop etc – please note your equipment and possessions are at your own risk